7 Ways to Make Your Social Media Posts More Interesting

7 Ways to Make Your Social Media Posts More Interesting

Are you stuck in a social media rut? Are your tweets, posts and uploads lacking sizzle (or feedback)? It’s easy for well-intentioned accounts to fizzle out, no matter how creative the account manager.

If you want to start (or keep) momentum with your social media posts, consider these 7 Ways to Make Your Social Media Posts More Interesting:

Be more visual

One giant fix for your posts may be including more images. Statistics show that content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without images. Even if you don’t have a designer on staff to create post graphics, you can use do-it-yourself graphic sites like Canva to create your own. Or, build up a library of stock imagery and business-related shots to pair with posts.

Include an offer or incentive

Nothing grabs attention like sales, savings and freebies! Promote percentages off for your social media followers with coupon codes. Or, post limited time offers or giveaways your followers might not otherwise know about.

Throw a contest

To increase engagement, consider starting an online contest or giveaway campaign on your social media accounts. Have customers post photos or comments to their accounts with a special hashtag in a theme that’s relevant to your product or service. Or, offer a chance to win for followers who share your posts or page with their friends.

Ask for feedback

Simply put, people like being asked for their opinion. A company asking for customer feedback on social media also shows transparency and a willingness to improve. And, you can use that feedback to actually improve your products and services (so asking for feedback in a post is a win-win-win situation).

Feature other partners

Feature and link to other partners in your posts if possible, such as your vendors and employees. If you have a special event in your community, thank the event sponsors, share their posts and link to the event itself. The more you engage and link to others, the more likely your posts will get additional shares, likes and coverage.

Show creative solutions

Share posts that solve problems for members. This can be done by featuring a real customer who used your products or services to solve their problem, or by posing a theoretical problem with your business as the solution. This can increase interest in both your posts and your products.

Get personal

Whenever possible, inject some humor in your posts or share some photos of staff at work. Your account should have a “personality” if possible that keeps your followers engaged.

And, as always, remember to follow an updated social media editorial calendar so your account never becomes completely stagnant (and so your posts can also follow a marketing strategy). If you need help reviving your social media outreach, get in touch with the helpful social media gurus at SKYFALL BLUE!

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