

5 Ways to Be Social on Social Media
social media marketing

5 Ways to Be Social on Social Media

Social media has revolutionized the way of business development and marketing, yet sometimes brands forget what social media is truly about -- being social. To turn consumers into actual customers, your brand needs to stand out above and beyond the others. It’s true that social media marketing offers an easy way to create ads and…

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5 Top E-Commerce Tactics to Boost Online Sales
ecommerce trends 2018

5 Top E-Commerce Tactics to Boost Online Sales

Having an e-commerce store can be both exhilarating and challenging—exhilarating because of the potential to reach customers and make extra sales, challenging due to the hurdles you have to jump through to make those sales. Small businesses often wonder if they can compete with big-box stores and online retail giants like Amazon.   Luckily, as…

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How Does Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Work?
SEO services

How Does Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Work?

You’ve heard a lot about SEO, but you may be wondering what exactly it is and how it works! SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, and—believe it or not—you don’t need to be a genius to understand how it functions.   Basically, SEO is a process that sends signals to search engines like Google.…

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5 Ways to Market Your Business this Thanksgiving
Autumnal Thanksgiving Arrangement

5 Ways to Market Your Business this Thanksgiving

  Thanksgiving is more than just a time to show thanks. It’s a time to take a step back, slow down and cherish what is truly important. Though your business will likely be closed over the Thanksgiving weekend, you still want to ensure that your company is top of mind with your customers. To help…

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10 Tips For Writing Your Own Business Blogs
business blogs

10 Tips For Writing Your Own Business Blogs

Content is king in the digital marketing world. However, content can be very expensive, especially if you are a new or small business trying to keep up with your well-established content-producing competitors. While outsourcing content creation for everything from your website, to your social media, to your blog itself, can be a great solution to…

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How Working with a Blogger Can Improve Your Online Business
Blog writing Skyfall Blue Ottawa

How Working with a Blogger Can Improve Your Online Business

The driving force behind developing a company website and getting your business online is to see a rise in sales and to increase revenue. In moving your business online, you can increase awareness about your business, improve your visibility, and become more accessible to a wider network of people. Often the world wide web can…

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