
content marketing

What is Influencer Marketing?

What is Influencer Marketing?

Consider this: Would you purchase something if it came recommended by a friend, mentor, colleague or celebrity? Most consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service if it’s recommended by someone they know or trust (in the industry, we call that person an “influencer”). Many brands are now

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What is Content Marketing?
content marketing

What is Content Marketing?

Simply put, content marketing is creating and sharing online materials meant to increase interest in a brand or its products and services. When done strategically and regularly, these kinds of marketing campaigns can be highly successful in increasing sales and brand loyalty. Content marketing has quickly become a preferred and mainstream method of marketing due…

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5 Top E-Commerce Tactics to Boost Online Sales
ecommerce trends 2018

5 Top E-Commerce Tactics to Boost Online Sales

Having an e-commerce store can be both exhilarating and challenging—exhilarating because of the potential to reach customers and make extra sales, challenging due to the hurdles you have to jump through to make those sales. Small businesses often wonder if they can compete with big-box stores and online retail giants like Amazon.   Luckily, as…

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5 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Efforts
content marketing ottawa

5 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Efforts

5 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Efforts Do you feel like you are running in circles when it comes to your content marketing? Unsure whether your content marketing is effective or not? According to the Content Marketing Institute,

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10 Tips For Writing Your Own Business Blogs
business blogs

10 Tips For Writing Your Own Business Blogs

Content is king in the digital marketing world. However, content can be very expensive, especially if you are a new or small business trying to keep up with your well-established content-producing competitors. While outsourcing content creation for everything from your website, to your social media, to your blog itself, can be a great solution to…

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