6 Social Media Strategies for Yoga Teachers

6 Social Media Strategies for Yoga Teachers

As a part-time yoga teacher and part-time social media manager for all kinds of small businesses, I am deeply aware of the power that social media has in helping yoga teachers build their brand, promote their classes, connect with their students, and, ultimately, improve their bottom line. While the most common rhetoric in the yoga world is that people do not teach yoga in order to make money, even yogi’s have to eat, and if you are to continue to share your gift and teachings with the world, you need to learn how to use social media to your advantage.


Make a Social Media Strategy:

It is easy to default into posting random ‘yoga selfies’ and then wonder why nobody is buying private classes with you. In a world where nearly every yoga teacher is shaking their asana online, you need to develop a powerful social media strategy that is meaningful and purposeful. From deeply educational tips, to sequence collages, to sharing your class schedule, choose 3-5 important information nuggets you want to share with your audience and then commit to doing that on your social media platforms consistently, every week.


Be Authentic:

Have you ever met an Instagram “Yoga Influencer” in real life and felt shell shocked at how different they are from their online identity? Social media can swallow our humility whole if we let it, and easily suggest to students that we are nothing more than bendy barbie dolls (and kens). While social media is a great platform to highlight your physical practice, take time each week to share something real and honest about who you are, how you got to become a yoga teacher and the honest struggles you face as a student and teacher. This creates an open space for your followers to connect with you and each other.


Use Hashtags:

Unless you are completely new to the world of social media, you know the power of the hashtag. Our experts recommend using no more than 11 hashtags per post, and you can optimize the hashtag based on what you are posting about.  You can include your hashtags in either the comment section of your posts on Instagram or after your caption. Some of the current trending yoga hashtags include #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogateacher #igyoga #yogagirl #yogapants #yogaposes #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogaeverywhere #yogapractice and #yogafit.


Engage Your Social Media Channels:

Are you a silent lurker on all of those local yoga related Facebook and Instagram groups? Let your community know you are here, you are knowledgeable and that you are curious by adding comments, sharing your blogs, spreading your products and service offerings and asking thoughtful questions on these platforms. Offline, make sure you post from events and workshops you attend or host, tagging both the location it is being hosted at and the guests you know from the online world. The more you engage, the more you build your community, and ultimately, your clientele.


Write Meaningful Copy:

While a picture says a thousand words, sometimes, just a few words can transform a picture and initiate a deep sense of feeling, relating and inspiration in your followers. Some of the most inspiring yogi’s on social media are those who are not afraid to challenge the status quo with their photos and their words, who write eloquent poetry or can describe a yoga pose, or experience, in a powerful way. If writing is not your cup of tea, outsource to a local copywriter for support.


Promote Yourself:

If you cringe at the idea of social media in the first place, then perhaps the thought of self-promotion online makes you want to run away. But hold on, take a deep breath, and hear me out. Your students are often looking for more from you – whether that comes in the form of workshops, online programs, blogs, retreats or teacher trainings. They are often watching you online, just waiting for the opportunity to get to know you better in real life and learn from you in the real world. We recommend one promotional piece each week. This can be something as simple as “Join me for my Sunday evening class”, “Book a private yoga session with me” or “Buy my online yoga program”, but including a powerful call to action in your Stories and Posts can lead to a fast and easy return on your investment.


Once you have set up your strategy, snapped some photos, written miraculous copy and engaged with your target audience, promotion will come naturally, we promise. Test the waters and if managing your own social media feels far to un-yogic for you, join the crowd of yoga teachers that gleefully outsource this business to professionals. Contact our team at Skyfall Blue today for your free consultation.


About The Author:  

Ashley McEachern is a dynamic and positive individual driven by those who inspire her and her pursuit to inspire others. She has followed her dreams to travel the world by completing her Masters thesis in International Relations. Ashley currently works as a digital strategist, copywriter, brand consultant and a yoga teacher trainer, based in Toronto, Ontario. She has been a part of the Skyfall Blue team for over ten years and counting!

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