10 Tweets That Sum Up Our Relationship to Social Media (#3 is Outrageous!)

10 Tweets That Sum Up Our Relationship to Social Media (#3 is Outrageous!)

As social media marketers, our job is to essentially live on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn – to name a few. And much like any other significant relationship in our lives, our bond with social comes with highs, lows and everything in between. 

So instead of trying to explain it, we’ll let the tweets do the talking. Here are ten of them that hit the nail right on the head when it comes to our very much dependent relationship on all things social media. Which one resonates the most with you?!

  1. Creating content for multiple different client platforms at once is like:

  1. Because let’s be honest, we’re all wondering:


  1. A common scenario at every single social gathering, family dinner or date we attend:

  1. Nailed it:

  1. Sometimes you just have to get the facts straight:

  1. We’ll admit it, Twitter can be a dark place:


7.   Pre-planned Instagram captions are the name of the game:

      8. A valid question and one that we ask ourselves at least once a day:

  1. Sounds about right:

  1. The risk just isn’t worth it:

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