5 Characteristics of Successful Marketers

5 Characteristics of Successful Marketers

Marketing can sometimes feel like a balancing act. Too much or too little of something can easily tip the scales into success or failure. So what does is take to be a successful marketer? That’s a fairly broad question to try and pin down, but there are certainly a few key skills every successful marketer needs to have in their arsenal:


Take risks

A successful marketer should be able to put themselves out there and take a few risks every now and again. When was the last time you took a deeply honest look at your marketing strategy and tried something new? Some of the most powerful marketing campaigns to date have been the riskiest. Don’t be afraid to try new things in the pursuit of finding what works for you. This can include switching things up every so often, so that your marketing doesn’t become stale.


Stay current

This is one of the most important characteristics of a successful marketer due to the rapidly-moving marketing industry. If you can’t stay on top of new trends and technologies then you don’t stand a chance. Sign up for industry relevant newsletters, stay aware of changes in social media algorithms and make sure to adopt the hottest and newest social media tools. (Still not using Instagram Stories? Download our free e-book and start right now!)


Keep an eye on the data

Data is key in marketing because it tells you how well your efforts are performing. Do your background research thoroughly before you start any campaigns to make sure you are best informed about which course of action to take. As your marketing initiatives continue, check in consistently with the data to see what is working and what isn’t. Is your campaign performing better with men or women? Those over 40 or under 40 years of age? People in cities or those in rural communities? Is there a particular time of the week when posts perform better for you? All this information can be easily tracked by using one of the many different data-collection platforms available.  


Pay attention to detail

All successful marketers pay attention to even the smallest details. Even a small mistake could cost you a client, sales, or leads. Make sure that links are leading where they are supposed to, that all content is simple to understand and free of typos or grammatical errors, and that your calls-to-action are always made clear. In a nutshell, always make sure you’ve had a second set of eyes on your work before you click ‘Publish’.


Practice patience

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are successful marketing initiatives. You need to put in the work and the time to ensure your marketing efforts do well long-term. While it’s natural to want to see success immediately, sometimes you may have to wait a few weeks, or even months, for your ideas to gain traction and get the recognition they deserve. In fact, in most cases, it can take 6-12 months for a new strategy to develop into a conversion, so just be patient and trust in the process.


Would you rather hire a team of expert marketers to do the hard work for you? Skyfall Blue is here to help! We will work with you to develop marketing plans that will captivate your customer’s attention. Contact us today!

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