6 ways to celebrate canada day at work 2

6 Ways to Celebrate Canada Day at Work

It’s almost that time of year again, when our Nation’s Capital turns into one huge party as we celebrate our country’s birthday! Here’s fun fact: Did you know it’s only been called Canada Day since 1982? Before that, July 1st was known as Dominion Day.


You’re probably used to celebrating Canada Day with your friends and family, but how about bringing some of that patriotic cheer to your coworkers, customers, and clients? Here at Skyfall Blue, we love any excuse for a party so we’ve gathered together some of the top ways you can celebrate Canada Day at work.


Dress in your Canadian best

The most typical way to celebrate Canada Day is to wear red and white. Think outside the box – dye your hair, paint your face! Take a company photo and make sure to post it on all your social media accounts. If you don’t have anything red or white, you could always wear that sartorial Canadian classic: the Canadian tuxedo!


Involve your customers

Share some of that infamous Canadian spirit with your valued customers by offering a Canada Day promotion or giveaway. Even better if you promote the giveaway on your social media accounts to create some positive engagement with your online following.


Listen to Canadian music all day long

Create a playlist of all your favourite Canadian artists to listen to at work, whether that’s in your office space, your store, or your restaurant. Think Great Big Sea, Gordon Lightfoot, Arcade Fire, Celine Dion… and Justin Bieber, if you’re so inclined!


Canadian Potluck

All the best parties have delicious food! Throw a potluck with your employees and get everyone to bring their favourite Canadian dish. Poutine, tourtière, maple candies, Montreal style bagels, smoked meat, ketchup chips, butter tarts, Nanaimo bars – the list goes on! 


Collect money for charity

Use this celebration as a way of helping others. If you have a large company, charge employees a dollar to come in their best Canadian dress, then donate that money to a local charity. If you have a store, you could consider donating a portion of that day’s profits to a charity of your choice.


Team building games

We are usually blessed with beautiful weather on July 1st. Get outside and play some classic Canadian games, such as road hockey or a Canadian-themed scavenger hunt, with your coworkers! If you’d prefer to stay indoors, have a game of Canadian trivia. You could give Tim Horton’s gift cards as prizes — after all, what’s more Canadian than Timmy’s?


However you decide to celebrate your Canada Day, we hope you have fun and enjoy yourselves! If you need help promoting your online business, or coming up with some creative marketing campaigns, we’d be happy to help. Do not hesitate to reach out to us today!

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