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How to Strengthen Your Brand Through Website Design

Imagine this: You enter a grungy-looking hotel and encounter long lines, rude staff and a complex check-in process. Even if your room at that hotel would be amazing and impeccably pristine, odds are you’ll turn around and choose from several of the other hotels on the block instead.

Similarly, if your website visitors and potential customers find your website to be poorly designed, you’ll lose business to your competitors. Statistics show 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive, and 39% will leave if images take too long to load. In today’s digital world, your website is your brand (whether you like it or not).

With that in mind, your website design should include these six important branding aspects:

Attractive graphics

Website design graphics standards are constantly evolving, and your website will also need to evolve visually. Use large, bold images that tell your brand’s story, and use white space to your advantage.

Easy navigation

Half of all referral website traffic will use a navigation menu to orient themselves. Your website navigation should be intuitive for first-time users to find relevant content.

Image optimization

Images and other content should be optimized for web for faster loading times. If you’re website takes too long to load, your visitors (and prospective customers) will get frustrated and leave.

Mobile optimization

Between 2013 and 2015, those using tablets for internet use grew 30% and smartphone internet use grew by 78%. With more users accessing your website via mobile devices, you’ll need a mobile-friendly website.

Streamlined content

Keep content as simple as possible to help users quickly understand your product, service or competitive advantage. According to KoMarketing, 86% of visitors want to see information on your company’s products or services after visiting your homepage.

Strong calls-to-action

You’ll want your website to clearly (and quickly) state what your call-to-action is, whether that is filling out a contact form, signing up or purchasing with a click of a button. Also include your contact information front and center (since 44% of website visitors will leave a website if there’s no contact information or phone number).

Does your website strengthen or weaken your brand and brand promise? Contact SKYFALL BLUE today for branding or website design support.

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