How To Up Your E-mail Marketing Game

How To Up Your E-mail Marketing Game

Wondering why your open and click through rates are looking so low? The e-mail marketing game is much more complex than it originally appears and can easily mystify even the most seasoned of marketers and savvy business owners. To ensure that your efforts aren’t going unnoticed, we’ve put together a few pointers to keep in mind when building your next e-blast. 

Experiment With Deployment Times  

Your contact list spans diverse time zones globally. Sending emails at 9:00 am might suit local recipients but could miss others who’ve left the office. Deploying emails at varied times to different regions proves more effective. Experiment with different deployment times to find peak performance, adjusting until you pinpoint the hour with the highest open rates.

A/B Test Your Subject Lines.

Your subject line is one of the most important tools at your disposal to convince prospects to open your e-mail. It’s also one of the trickiest, as this means you’ll have to rely on a single sentence to incite people to click through. Consider testing different subject lines – known as A/B testing – to see how your prospects respond to each and to guide your content efforts for future campaigns.  

Segment Your Campaigns 

Not all audiences are created equal! Subscribers from a specific geographic region or age group are likely to have their own product or service preferences in comparison to somebody else from the next country over or from a different generation. Make sure you’re segmenting your campaigns’ content based on who you’re trying to reach instead of mass e-mailing everybody at once.  

Cut Out The Fluff 

Think of the last time you read a promotional e-mail. Chances are, it was short, sweet and to the point instead of being overcrowded with unnecessary content. If your campaigns are too lengthy and packed to the brim with needless copy, your prospects will skim right over them. Be sure that you capture their attention right away and make your call to action as clear as possible. Essays are best left behind in your college days! 

Dont Forget About Analytics  

Keep in mind that thorough examination of your email analytics is essential to measure testing deployment times, subject lines, content segmentation, engagement, and open rates. These analytics will serve as your best friend when it comes to figuring out what’s working and what’s not for your business. Monitor them on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to measure your work and be able to accurately plan ahead for future campaigns! 

Need help optimizing your e-mail marketing efforts? Our digital team can help you out with that – contact Skyfall Blue today to learn more.  


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