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5 Incredible Tips for Business Success This Summer  

Depending on your industry, the summertime can either make or break your business. What is certain across the board, is that the heat of summer (and the vacations your clients and team are likely to take) will have some sort of influence on your business’ bottom line. Our digital marketing experts have worked in countless industries – helping everyone from restaurant owners to meal delivery services to construction companies sustain, capitalize, and effectively manage their business during the summer season. It is time to transform your fears and doubts about maintaining your business over the summer months with these five incredible tips from our team.

1) Capitalize on summer holidays

Rather than dreading the holidays for your business, integrate them into your summer business strategy. For example, just take a look at how so many Canadian businesses are capitalizing on Canada’s 150th birthday through contests, social media campaigns and events. Integrate local holidays into your social media and digital marketing strategies with catchy and intriguing campaign concepts, effective use of popular holiday themed hashtags (e.g. #canada150) and the pre-existing buzz around the holidays.


2) Promote your business at summer events 

Whether you live in a  small town or a big city, summer is the time of farmers markets, concerts, festivals and beyond. Depending on the type of business you are running, these fun and friendly events can serve as a powerful marketing opportunity. Consider setting up a booth at local events and sampling your products, recruiting new team members, or sharing your story.


3) Summer-proof your team and clients

Find out months in advance when your team plans to take holidays so that you can plan ahead, manage your team productivity, and hire new staff if necessary. Consider securing your clients on a retainer so that you don’t run the risk of losing the majority of your income when clients run off to their own holidays. Finally, start promoting summer deals/discounts/events far in advance, securing income for the summer before it even starts.


4) Capture the moment

Your staff and your customers are far more likely to embrace a photoshoot or a photo/video contest for social media when the sun is shining. Moreover, the view of your business and your business activities will likely look more appealing beneath the summertime light. Take advantage of the naturally great lighting and get snapping a stockpile of powerful social media, marketing and website photos for daily and future use.


5) Host an event

Whether you choose to host a charity car wash, assist a neighbourhood BBQ or throw an outdoor yoga series, attaching your name and your brand to a well-marketed and well-attended local event will do wonders for your business. For fitness related businesses, try taking a series of classes outdoors to local parks where you can attract and intrigue new clientele. For food related businesses, consider sponsoring a local charity event and feeding new potential clients your delicious foods. For creative arts businesses, it might be time to join a night market or to approach other businesses to set up a booth in their store. The possibilities are endless.


Regardless of the type of business that you are running, there are ample ways to sustain and benefit from the summer months. This is the ideal time to deeply integrate and connect with your local community, to give back to local charities, and to try something new and fresh when it comes to your branding and marketing strategies. For more insights and support on maintaining and managing your business this summer, contact our team at for a free consultation.

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