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5 of the Biggest Mobile Design Trends of 2015

This year was the first year that saw more mobile Google searches than desktop searches. As an increasing number of customers turn to handheld devices for information and purchases, the need to keep current in mobile design is more important than ever.

Mobile and responsive website and app design has come a long way over the past few years, but will continue to evolve. What were the five biggest mobile design trends of 2015, and what can we expect to see more of in 2016?

Neutral color palettes

While some companies continue to use bright, attention-grabbing colors, others have chosen subtler and calming color schemes for their mobile design. Using a more neutral palette of muted beige, blue or green invokes a more relaxing sense for your end user. This color choice is great if you want to provide an “escape” for your user from the clutter of competitors and other mobile apps.

Big, bold images

This eye-catching design tactic was a big trend in website and mobile design for 2015, and will continue to be a trend as websites become even more visual. Large, clean and minimalistic images as headers draw attention and interest into your mobile site, and encourages scrolling. The right image also has the power to tell a brand story in a single glance.


Animation will continue to be a big trend (and no, we aren’t talking about the same kind of animation used in early websites or GIFs). Small and smooth animated icons or transitions will give your end user a more interactive experience and instant gratification.

Hidden navigation menus

Hidden navigation menus are good for multiple reasons. Having select navigation items hidden saves room on the screen to draw attention to only your main call-to-action. And, when done successfully, it allows the user to self-navigate to their desired destination. This can come especially handy when you have a mixed target audience with many potential desired outcomes (such as purchasing or browsing information).

Card layouts:

Popular social media websites such as Pinterest gave rise to the card layout. This mobile layout arranges images and icons in a grid-like fashion. This mobile buffet of options allows a user to quickly process many pieces of information in one glance and choose which piece is most relevant to him or her.

What mobile design trends has your company implemented this year? Let SKYFALL BLUE  take your website into 2016 with an enhanced design that suits your needs.

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